In [3]:
import os

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline

In [5]:
font = {'family' : 'monospace',
        'weight' : 'bold',
        'size'   : 14}

plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(18, 6))

In [6]:

In [8]:
supermarkets = pd.read_csv('GeoLytixOpenSupermarketLocationsSept2015v6.txt', sep='\t')

In [9]:

GLUID Retailer Fascia StoreName Add1 Add2 Town Locality Postcode LongWGS84 LatWGS84 EastingBNG NorthingBNG PQIflag OpenDate
0 1010000001 Aldi Aldi Aldi Aberdeen Unit 9-10 Boulevard Retail Park NaN Aberdeen Central Aberdeen AB115EJ -2.081710 57.1487 395153.81 806418.66 1 NaN
1 1010000002 Aldi Aldi Aldi Westhill Westhill Drive NaN Westhill NaN AB326FY -2.278330 57.1549 383260.14 807138.54 1 NaN
2 1010000003 Aldi Aldi Aldi Ellon Ythan Terrace NaN Ellon NaN AB419LJ -2.074990 57.3634 395586.81 830317.99 1 NaN
3 1010000004 Aldi Aldi Aldi Inverurie Loco Works Road NaN Inverurie NaN AB514FY -2.378360 57.2895 377291.63 822150.23 1 NaN
4 1010000005 Aldi Aldi Aldi Hatfield 11 Parkhouse Court Comet Way Hatfield Hatfield AL109RQ -0.240931 51.7631 521491.85 208626.72 1 NaN


In [28]:
vc = supermarkets['Retailer'].value_counts()[:10]  # keep the top-10

idx = np.arange(len(vc.index))
    idx, vc.values, tick_label=vc.index, align='center'

<Container object of 10 artists>

In [24]:
from ipywidgets import HTML

HTML('<iframe width="100%" height="520" frameborder="0" '
     'src="" '
     'allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen legend'

In [40]:
labour_market = pd.read_csv('regional_labour_market_li02_2016-01.csv').dropna()

In [42]:

region_code region population employment_total employment_under_64 unemployment_total unemployment_total_rate economic_inactivity_total economic_inactivity_under_64 claimant_level claimant_proportion labour_demand_total labour_demand_job_density_under_64
0 K02000001 UNITED KINGDOM 41,037 30,935 73.2 1,784 5.5 9,142 22.5 831,440 2.0 32,488 0.79
2 K03000001 GREAT BRITAIN 39,866 30,120 73.4 1,731 5.4 8,819 22.3 785,600 2.0 31,654 0.80
4 E92000001 ENGLAND 34,475 26,144 73.6 1,472 5.3 7,587 22.2 657,638 1.9 27,616 0.80
6 E12000001 NORTH EAST 1,663 1,176 69.2 96 7.6 415 25.1 49,176 3.0 1,133 0.68
8 E14000554 Berwick-upon-Tweed 45 34 75.0 1 3.7 9 21.9 768 1.7 29 0.63

Join on town

In [46]:
joined = supermarkets.merge(labour_market, left_on='Town', right_on='region', how='outer')

In [51]:
labour_market[labour_market['region'] == 'Hatfield']

region_code region population employment_total employment_under_64 unemployment_total unemployment_total_rate economic_inactivity_total economic_inactivity_under_64 claimant_level claimant_proportion labour_demand_total labour_demand_job_density_under_64